Thursday, October 05, 2006

Thursday Posterior Chain Workout

Deadlift Workout for Muscle Mass

In today's workout, I used a moderate intensity allowing me to get a moderate number of reps done. So it was a combination of volume and intensity - the two keys to muscle growth (in my opinion).

But first, I continued on with more foam roller exercises from the DVD "Inside Out". Its an upper body warmup dvd.

Click HERE to get your copy - CB highly recommends it!

Using the foam roller makes for quite a sight in the office. As I roll, my dog Bally tries to jump on me. Eventually he gets all 4 legs on my body (usually after hitting me square in the balls with one of his giant paws), and his weight on top of my upper body adds to the pressure on the muscles being "rolled". So it actually feels good (the added weight, not the paw to the balls).

But then he eventually slips off, and gets all 4 paws back on the ground. At this point, he then thinks its a good idea to put his front two paws on my chest and he tries to hump me. At that point, I have to stop, correct his behavior, and move on to the next exercise from the DVD.

But I'm making progress. The upper back feels better today.

So back to today's workout...

Pre-workout: Foam rolling for lower body.

1A) Deadlift (3x8)
1B) Oblique Cable Crunch (3x12)

2A) RDL (3x6)
2B) Pistol (3x5)

3) Back Extension on Ball with added weight (3x15)

Really hit the back of the body today,


workout, strength, deadlift, ab exercise, workout routine

1 comment:

  1. LOL Ahhhh man's best friend, aren't they cute!
