Friday, October 13, 2006

Friday Workout: More Foam Rolling

Today I rolled so much my legs hurt adductors and vastus medialis are the muscles that need it the most right now, I think. Kind of surprised that they were so tight...I can really tell the adductors are tight.

Overall, I think this increased attention to the adductors will help when I return to heavy lifting next week. I'm also moving to a 3-day per week, total body workout approach. Cutting the crap and doing only what will help me reach my goals.

I also did some chinups and arm work. Chinups are a funny thing...they are difficult to make big improvements on...

Interestingly enough, I did chinups 3 times this week...doing 1 set to failure in at least three workouts. And I did the most today...even though I did neutral grip chins yesterday...

I might play around with some high frequency chin up work for my next training phase to see if I can increase my chinup # and reach the magical goal of 25 chinups at 190+ pounds.

Other than this workout, I'll probably run around with the dog and do some more foam rolling this afternoon.


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