Friday, October 13, 2006

Fat Loss Workout Turbulence Training Q'n'A

Fat Loss Workout Q'n'A

I enjoy answering your fat loss workout emails...and I'm hoping that you enjoy these Q'n'A newsletters as much as anything else. If I'm wrong, let me know. Lots of exercise question emails this week, and I'm rounding them up today and tomorrow for you...

First Question: "I've emailed you twice, but have received no reply. Can you please answer my question".


Dear Readers, especially those with AOL accounts.
AOL, for some reason, hates me.

I understand how frustrating it is for you to have to re-write your email.

I share your frustration because I answer your emails twice, and in some cases 3 TIMES, only to have them blocked by AOL each time.

So I sincerely apologize. If you are writing from an AOL account, please copy this address: - and I will try and reply from that account as well.

And please, if you are emailing me, make sure to put on your safe list, white list, or contact list.

Now onto some training Q's...

I've received a couple of questions about adding supersets onto TT Workouts. The main point to consider is whether or not the extra volume is appropriate for your needs and recovery levels.

In most cases, adding a superset shouldn't be a problem, it's just that it will increase the length of your workout.

Q: If I only train a client 2X a week can I add another super set into the workout to get more of the body in?

If you judge it to be necessary and effective, by all means go ahead. Do what you think the person will benefit from.

Q: I am enjoying the workouts so far, I never sweated so much in my life and I am just on the Beginner Level Training, which was recommended for all who just started the program. I had a question though. I noticed that there were no workouts for biceps or triceps in the Beginner Level training and others you have in the TT workouts, why is this? I just got off a bulking phase, which put more fat on me than, but I feel that since there is no workouts in the routine for Biceps or Triceps, I might lose the muscle I put on there. My arms are my prize possesion, I would like them to stick around throughout this process of getting this fat off. Should I really worry about this?

You can add 1-2 arm supersets at the end of your workouts, if you want to add that extra workout time.

Remember - I am operating in the framework of 3x45 minutes (that is, giving you only the most efficient and effective 45 minute workouts possible). And 99% of the time, arm exercises don't fit the bill for fat loss.

You do get a little arm action in TT2k4, though. As well as in all the TT for Mass workouts.

Bottom line: If you want to spend more time working out, it is okay to add another superset to the workout.

Q: When reading the TT workouts I notice that the beginning exercises lower reps are used and they increase as the workouts continue. What is the thinking here for ranges?

When designing programs, we should always do strength and power early in the session when we are 'fresh'.

So if you do jump training or Olympic Lifting, that would go first, then heavy strength exercises, and finally moving to higher volume supersets as the workout goes on.

Q: Will I always have to do intense workouts, even when I have achieved my body goals?

Pretty much, yep!

But this goes even moreso for your health. If you stop working out, your health can take a turn for the worse pretty quickly. Just look at any former athlete that stops training and keeps eating.

So yes, the TT Lifestyle is a Lifestyle for Life.

Always focus on the positives of proper nutrition and hard exercise:

a) Increased energy
b) Increased productivity
c) Better health
d) A better looking body.

Stay strong!

Q: I have not done any exercise since April this year and have really fallen off the wagon. Prior to this I always did some form of working out maing weight training and in the last few months have lost nearly two stone is mass from doing no weights and have gained allot of body fat. I wondered which routine you would recommend I start with in the Turbulence Training manual.

If you have not trained since April, just be conservative and start with the beginner phase. If it is too easy, go to the next phase after 1 week.

Get on the right program for your fitness level and fat loss goal,


P.S. For more info...

You can read my blog:

or my other website:


All The Back Issues of the Turbulence Training Newsletter from 2004-2005

I've written some pretty good stuff over the last couple of months, if I do say so myself, but I have some HUGE things planned for the next 4 months.

fat loss, workout, fat loss workout, exercise, nutrition, lose weight

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