Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Superset Workout Routines for Fat Loss

Workout Routine for Fat Loss

As a reader of the TT newsletter, you know that I use Supersets for Fat Loss, but a lot of readers ask why.

Many readers guess that it is because I want to keep the heart rate high during the workout, because they think that burns more fat.

But that's not the point. The answer really isn't that complex (and besides, heart rate has nothing to do with fat loss success).

The real reasons I use Supersets for Fat Loss?

Simply to get more work done in less time. More work = more turbulence = more calories burned.

By supersetting "non-competing" exercises, you can do almost twice as much exercise in half the time. This allows you to get in and out of the gym faster (or complete your home gym workouts faster), while also allowing you to train more muscle (and therefore put more "Turbulence" stress on your body).

Here are some examples of non-competing supersets that get a lot of work done in a short amount of time:

1A) DB Squat
1B) DB Press

2A) Split Squat (Bodyweight or Barbell)
2B) Inverted Row (or DB Row)

3B) Decline Pushup

4A) Stability Ball Jackknife
4B) Back Extension on Stability Ball

More turbulence results in more calories burned during and after exercise, and therefore, more fat loss, especially from those stubborn hard-to-lose love handles and thighs.

If you aren't already a regular reader of my personal workouts that I post on my blog, you can check out all of the supersets I use in my own workouts.

Click HERE for the TT Blog
Click HERE to go directly to my post on child obesity

Training hard and keeping it simple,


P.S. The TT nutrition is also simple, but it's NOT hard...

Have you read Dr. Mohr's Nutrition Guidelines yet?

I had to twist his arm to make him free up some time and I had to shell out a pretty penny for him to write this report. Between consulting with Gatorade, the Washington Redskins, and University of Louisville, Dr. Mohr is a very busy man.

But you get his advice at no cost. I could easily charge $27 for this report, if not more. (Heck that would still be less than 20 times what I paid for Dr. Mohr to put it together...).

And you get this report for nothing!

The Turbulence Training Fat Loss Nutrition Guidelines e-book is a bonus for you available when you order one of these 4 Turbulence Training e-book packages:

1) Turbulence Training for Fat Loss
2) Turbulence Training for Women (full program)
3) The 6-Month Bodyweight Manual
4) The TT Membership

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