Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Back to School Squat Workout Routine

Squat Workout Routine

Today is the first day of school in almost all of Canada. Unlike parts of the USA, kids don't hit the books till after labor day. (I coudln't imagine school in August).

Once again I was in my hometown of Stratford for today's workout, and I used the local YMCA. The squat rack was a little awkward, but the workout was good.

And it was busy, so I had to shift my accessory exercise from Good Mornings to RDL's. But all that really matters is that the squat itself went well.

1A) Wide Stance Squat (3x4)
1B) DB Shrug (3x12)

2A) DB RDL (3x10)
2B) Cable Chop (3x10)

That's it. All of the rest I had planned was really just fluff.

Sometimes people, including myself, are guilty of adding exercises for little other purpose than to keep ourselves in the gym for an hour.

But really, we should train according to the "OIIH principle".

OIIH = Only if it helps

Do the exercise only if it helps you get closer to your goal. Otherwise, it's really just a waste of time.

Remember this about strength training, interval training, and Turbulence Training in general: All 3 are the most efficient methods of training. Because of the relatively high intensity level, you don't need to do as much training volume as other poeple in the gym that are training at low intensity levels.

Train smarter and harder,


workout routine

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