Friday, September 15, 2006

Simple Nutrition

Nutrition for Fat Loss Workouts

Too many people still struggle with nutrition. And worse, too many people think of eating only in negative terms (I can't eat this, I can't eat that, If I eat ___ I'll gain fat, etc.).

Left unchecked, a negative attitude toward food can ruin a person's life. It's that serious.

Just yesterday I received an email from a trainer looking for help for her client that is OVER-exercising and UNDER-eating. This is a recipe for disaster. And the NY Times ran a story about a poor girl that exercised and starved herself to death at the age of 20.

Despite having access to all the right foods, the Western world is doing all the wrong things when it comes to eating.

That's why I enlisted the help of a world-renowned fat loss nutrition expert, Dr. Chris Mohr, to put together the Turbulence Training Fat Loss Nutrition Guidelines.

Here's a piece of Dr. Mohr's newsletter (sign up at

Chris simplifies nutrition and puts a positive spin on how we should approach eating and fueling our body for fat loss and better health.

Q: Chris, I have been trying to lose weight and am unsure what foods I can and cannot eat. I am trying to cut back calories, so now I eliminated breakfast and wait until lunch so I'm only eating 2 times each day, meaning less total calories. Is this a smart approach that I adopted from my trainer?

Great question and a very important one!

When I talk to folks about losing weight, I like to emphasize foods to include rather than those to exclude. Let's focus on the positive message versus the negative, "don't eat this", "cut out that," etc.

With that said, let's start with your first statement about eliminating breakfast as a means to cut back calories.

Breakfast is easily the most important meal of the day. You haven't eaten in the last few hours, your body and muscles are hungry, and you need nutrients in your body. In fact, there is a bevy of research showing that those who eat breakfast are more successful with their weight loss than those who skip this meal.

Maybe some of the foods from the list below would be of interest to get you started on the right foot, kick up your energy, and assist with your weight loss efforts. Here are some foods you SHOULD be eating on a regular basis and, actually, should eat MORE of them.

Fruits and vegetables should clearly be a major component of your intake. In fact, recent research from Penn State University showed when fat intake was comparable, those eating more fruits and vegetables had better weight and fat losses than those eating less fruits and vegetables.

Next, include some protein at each meal. Protein can be fish, chicken or turkey breast, mixed nuts, cottage cheese, protein shake, tofu, eggs, etc.

You should also regularly drink water and unsweetened tea throughout the day. I would also like to see you replace some of the unhealthy fats in your diet with healthier alternatives, such as mixed nuts, avocados, flax seed and flax seed oil, fish and fish oil, etc.

And, lastly, never eliminate carbs, but make the switch to healthier alternatives; whole grain bread, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, quinoa, oats, etc.

If the majority of your carbohydrates come from fruits and vegetables, I'd be happy, but there surely is a place for high fiber, whole grains as well. And, the more active you are, the more you can add these in there-- so make sure you're out there moving too!

Get more from Dr. Mohr at

Eat positively,


P.S. Big Nutrition Announcement!
The Turbulence Training Nutrition Guide for Men & Women - written by Dr. Chris Mohr, Ph.D., is ready for you.

Here are just some of the things you'll learn from Dr. Mohr...

1) How to calculate your calorie needs (p. 6)
2) Calorie recommendations for obese individuals (p.7)
3) The 23 types of sugar (many hidden!) to avoid (p. 9)
4) The 20 whole-grain sources to fuel your fat loss program (p9)
5) Over 60 fruits and vegetables that should be added to your diet(p.10)
6) The 16 protein sources you should select most often (p. 13)
7) Shocking trans-fat content of 18 common foods - find out whichfoodis the deadliest in terms of fat content (p. 16)
8 ) The 9 Fat Sources you should select most often (p. 17)
9) Dr. Mohr's 12 Rules for Fat Loss (p. 18)
10) The TT Nutrition Plan for Men (p. 19)
11) The TT Nutrition Plan for Women (p. 23)
12) Bonus Supplement Report: The Truth About Fat Loss Pills (p. 27)

The Turbulence Training Fat Loss Nutrition Guidelines e-book is a bonus for you available when you order one of these 4 Turbulence Training e-book packages:

1) Turbulence Training for Fat Loss
2) Turbulence Training for Women (full program)
3) The 6-Month Bodyweight Manual

nutrition workout

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