Thursday, September 14, 2006

Thursday Full Squat Workout Routine

Squat Workout Routine

Finished up today's workout a little earlier than usual. Had some cancellations and was able to get in the gym just after lunch.

And it was dead quiet.

Finally...after the search for the right time to train, when no one would bother me and I didn't have to watch other trainers put their clients through goofy routines, I'd finally found a good time to train. It probably won't last, but I'm glad it worked out today, b/c the workout was tough - high volume, basic lifts in preparation for more intense upcoming phases.

1A) Deadlift (3x10)
1B) Oblique Cable Crunches (3x10)

2A) Olympic Squat (3x12)
2B) Systema Pushup Plank on Fists (3xMax)

3A) Pistol (3x3)
3B) Weighted Back Extension on Ball (3x10)

Totally ran out of gas halfway through the 3rd superset - due to good weight used in the deadlift and squat.

Now back to work,



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