Friday, September 15, 2006

3rd Anniversary Workout Sale

...And time for you to save on a TT Membership.

Until Sunday, Sept 17th, at 9pm, I'm giving you a one-time opportunity to save big bucks on a TT Membership.

For new customers, you'll save $70 this weekend when you get a 1-year TT Membership for only $127.

Click HERE to get your TT Membership & save $70

And for previous customers, I'm going to knock another $20 off your membership you get a 1-Year TT membership for only $77 this weekend. Email me for your preferred customer discount.

But this offer expires on Sunday, Sept. 17, at 9pm.

Thanks for being a part of Turbulence Training!

Here's my promise to you...

You won't find anything like the Turbulence Training Membership Pass on the Internet...

It is the Ultimate Training Resource for Fitness Enthusiasts and Personal Trainers. Just wait till you see the list of workouts, manuals, and special reports you get as a Turbulence Training Member.You'll Get Dozens of Advanced, Fat Burning, Muscle Building, Turbulence Training Workouts at Your Finger Tips -And All for Less than the Cost of a Gym Membership...

The TT Membership Pass gives you access every report and manual I've written AND every manual, e-book, AND monthly workout that I write for the next 12 months all designed to help you:

Lose fat, gain muscle, and save time by getting in and out of your workouts in less than an hour

Achieve the body of your dreams & lose that last 10 pounds of fat

Make more progress on your body in one month than you have in the last 6 months or a year

Pack on big-time mass with the mass gaining reports

Get the best workouts of your life is less than an hour per session and never, ever wonder what program you should do next

You'll never have to worry about designing another program yourself!

Give your clients the best workouts possible - making you look like a superstar trainer

If you are a Personal Trainer, the TT Membership will help you quickly become the most knowledgeable, advanced trainer in your gym that every client will be lining up to train with.

Here are just some of the latest additions to your Turbulence Training Membership:

NEW 4-Week Turbulence Training for Women Workout

Strength Coach Interrogations: Interviews with 21 Top Trainers (Value = $27)

Booty for Life (Value = $37)

Turbulence Training Hot Zone Fat Loss Program (Value = $27)

The New Get Lean Manual (Value = $57)

TT Bodyweight Athlete Training Manual (Value = $27)

Turbulence Training 6-Month Bodyweight Manual (Value =$67)

The new 8-week Turbulence Training for Mass Program (Value = $19.99)

And here are just a few of the upcoming additions:

New Bodyweight Workouts

New Beginner Fat Loss Workouts

New Advanced Fat Loss Workouts

A new workout each month - guaranteed.

In-depth reports on reducing stress & anxiety, and improving your health.

Don't forget: I'll be adding at least one new program per month based on recommendations from you and all my readers.

"Thanks Craig, the Membership is great. Never have I seen anything like this. I have already downloaded Get Lean and Beginner Fat Loss Tips and glanced through them, some really good stuff. I'm planning on printing out most of these and having a "CB" section in my fitness library." Keith Suthammanont, Brooklyn

"Wow, Craig, thank you for making the Membership available. That is an ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE amount of information for such a price. It's practically a lifetime's worth of information and workouts. But, since things do develop over time, we can get a future renewal at an even better price. I already know I will be renewing next year. Aside from that, people need to know that your information is top notch; it's accurate, scientifically-based, and effective. Thanks again, Craig; I look forward to reading and rereading all of the manuals, and to seeing those future updates!"
Chris Correia Cloquet Taekwondo Cloquet, MN

The Turbulence Training Membership is the best investment a personal trainer can make in their future. After all, what can trainers do when their clients decide to start training on their own - or worse, switch to another trainer - because their training programs are no longer doing the job?

"I must tell you that the Membership has helped me tremendously not only for myself but as a personal trainer. I have purchased a lot of books, workout programs, etc., and your programs are awesome! I know I've told you this before but you definitely over deliver on all of your programs. The Membership was by far the BEST investment I ever made!...honestly. Thank you so much for making this available."
Georgette Pann, CPT,CSN,LPTA

"You told me that when I started out my fitness consulting business and started using your TT systems that I would become the #1 trainer on the Isle of Man. I agreed with you but did not think that my success would be so quick! Thanks Craig, I owe you big time."
Andy Wallis

If you bought each manual and program separately, it would cost you over $2500.

But you will get all of the manuals for less than 1/10th of the price...and even less if you are a previous customer --- email me for your discount link.

Here's the complete list (as of July 26th, 2006) of all the manuals, advanced training articles, and e-books that you will get with the Turbulence Training Membership (and remember, I'm adding at least 1 new program per month - the value of all the monthly workouts alone is over 200 dollars for the year!):

My Turbulence Training Reports
Turbulence Training for Fat Loss
1 Hour Turbulence Training Audio Interview
Turbulence Training 6-Month Bodyweight Manual
Turbulence Training For Mass
Turbulence Training for Women
The Intermediate Turbulence Training Beach Body program
The Advanced Turbulence Training Beach Body program
Turbulence Training for Firefighters
Turbulence Training for Police Officers
Turbulence Training: Hot Zone Fat Loss Program

Monthly Turbulence Training Workouts
September 2005: 4-Week Fat Loss Plan
October 2005: Original 4-Week Bodyweight Workout
November 2005: Barely Legal 4-Week Mass-Gain Workout
December 2005: Ultimate Holiday Fat Loss Workout
January 2006: Fat Loss in a Busy Gym Workout
February 2006: Fusion Fat Loss Workout
March 2006: Turbulence Training for Athletes
April 2006: Fusion Muscle Building Workout
May 2006: How to Gain 15 lbs of Lean Mass
June 2006: TT Hardcore Fat Loss Workout
July 2006: TT Summertime Bodyweight Workout
August 2006: TT for Women 4-Week Workout

My Workout Manuals
The Beginner's Guide to Fat Loss
The Get Lean Manual
The Executive Lifestyle Manual
Other Female Training Manuals
The Secrets of Female Strength & Conditioning
ShapeShift - How to Develop the Athletic Look
The Simple Way to Lose Weight
The Executive Lifestyle Manual for Women
Get Lean for Women

Other Collaborations & Bonus Reports
Mission: Abdominals - by Tom Venuto
Boost Your Testosteron - by Christian Finn
Strength Coach Interrogations - by Alwyn Cosgrove

Advanced Training Articles
How to Determine Exercise Selection & Exercise Order
The Best Number of Sets for Muscle Gain, Fat Loss, & Females
The Science of Repetitions
Program Design Critique
Program Design Lesson

Athlete Manuals
The Rugby Speed Manual
The Rugby Strength Manual
The Rugby Pre-Season Speed and Interval Workouts
Young Male Alpine Ski Strength Program
Young Beginner Female Basketball Strength Program
Young Advanced Male Rugby Strength Program
The New Young Athlete - 8 Week Mass Gain Program

Strength & Bodybuilding Workouts
4-Week Advanced Bodybuilding Program
Weekend Warrior: Get Buff While Becoming a Better Downhill Skier
How to Bench Without Shoulder Pain
Max Your Bench Press: Part A (Weeks 1-12 )
Max Your Bench Press: Part B (Weeks 13-24)

Click HERE to order

"Dear Craig, Since I ordered the Pass to your products I am working my way through your materials. And what a huge amount of information it is! I am more than impressed and satisfied! Turbulence Training is one of the most time-efficient, comprehensive and practical approaches to training I have come across yet. And I am no newbie to training."
Thomas Brenninger

"Craig, the Turbulence Training Reports are nothing less than outstanding. You've literally taken the best science and mixed in your own experience to create one of the most powerful training systems I've come across, and you know I've done a little bit of reading myself. Most programs that people follow are done on certain level of faith that the "expert" knows what he's talking about. In the reports, not only do you demonstrate your expertise in manipulating body composition or building muscle in the shortest time possible, but you have the research to back it up. The research update on nutrition by itself is worth the price. That alone allows your client to proceed with the utmost confidence in the training program, and that means guaranteed success. Oh, and by the way, you need to charge more. The reports are too valuable to just give away at the current price."
Bill Hartman, CSCS, PT

"Hi Craig. On Sunday I had some fitness training for Ontario Rugby which went very well. I found that the training I have done has payed off greatly. The first part was a triple jump, I jumped a first jump of 7 foot 9 inches second 7 5. The only person close was a 7 5. Next was the sprint, over all I was the fastest and in accleration I was pretty much the same as everyone. I finished the 35 meter sprint in 4.80 seconds. The bench press went well but there were 2 weights to choose from was 100 pounds or 200, the hundred was too easy but the two hundred was too much. The last was a fitness run, which went really well out of a possible 900m I was at 730m or 735m. I found that this training has worked so well. Last year I was the smallest one at this fitness test but this year I was the same size as almost all the Ontario players if not bigger than some. I d just like to say thanks in helping me achieve all this."
Tom Rose, Toronto

"The Membership has allowed me to better serve my clients, and it allows me to give them the most current and most accurate information out there on training and nutrition."
Joe Hallman

"I just wanted to send you a quick progress update. I finished TT Workout #1 (Get Lean! pg 35) and I've lost 12 lbs in 4 weeks! Today was the first 'Workout A' from TT Workout #2, and I think I jumped in with a little too much zeal - as you might imagine, my motivation is thru the roof - I used d.b.'s that were a little too heavy for the forward and backward lunges, and I'm limping from both legs, but it's a 'good' limp. No sweat! Thanks Craig, and have a great week." Chuck Fager

"You have been a tremendous source of information and inspiration. Your principles and ideas have helped me make gains in my overall fitness level. Your ideas are refreshing and easy to follow, in an industry that seems to want to stick to the same guidelines. The Turbulence Training report and workouts not only offer a great workout, but also reduces the time in the gym, with the same if not better results than the typical 2 hour workouts, that a father of three needs. In addition, Craig has been instrumental to me and my hockey training. I play in a competitive adult league that can get a bit fierce. The conditioning ideas, specifically the interval training gets me in prime playing shape and can constantly be tweaked to various fitness levels. Thanks for all your hard work and dedication to this field. You are a welcome voice for me and anyone I have shared your ideas with."
Scott Kurland, NYC

"Craig, I am so impressed with how you conduct your business, your professionalism, quality and responsiveness is really unequaled. You are truly the best kept secret in the fitness world."
Bobby Logan, CT

"The pass is worth it just to be able to get input from you."
Kevin Larabee

Once I receive your order, I will email you the link to the Turbulence Training Membership and your password. You will then have 1 year of access to all of my manuals and the monthly updates. I guarantee that you will be blown away by the amount of training info in the Pass. And if you ever have any questions or program suggestions, just let me know.

Click HERE to order

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, M.Sc.
Author, Turbulence Training

P.S. Every time I release a new product into the membership section...

I hear from other trainers that I'm giving away TOO much. It bugs them to see the value of my Membership go up and up and up, while the price remains so low. Someday I might just let their pressure get to me and increase the lock your membership in today!

Click HERE to get your TT Membership & save $70

P.P.S. Previous customers...Get a huuuuge discount on the Turbulence Training me for your details.


1 comment:

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