Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Romanian Deadlift Workout Routine - Updated!

Workout Routine Exercise Question

Had a question about today's earlier post on workout routine supersets...

What is an RDL?

The answer...

An RDL is a romanian deadlift, and can be found here in barbell form (for dumbbells, you would obviously just hold a dumbbell in each hand):

UPDATED post...

Another wrote in to ask about the difference between db's vs. barbells for the RDL...

For most purposes, there are no differences between the movements, save for the fact db's might be more comforatble to use. That is all. A weight is a weight in this case.

For my purposes (and the purpose of strength athletes, bodybuilders, strongmen & women, etc.) however, it is often difficult to find heavy enough dumbbells to do the job, and a barbell allows the opportunity to use a mixed grip which increases the load with less chance of fatiguing due to grip.

There remains one additional option for a similar movement that eliminates all need for grip and that is to use the Good Morning. However, this is an even more advanced exercise and I tend not to use this with mass fat loss populations.


workout routine

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