Wednesday, September 06, 2006

John Berardi's Precision Nutrition

Berardi Nutrition

I just finished reading the final email in John Berardi's new Precision Nutrition e-course (8 free emails sent - 1 per day for 8 days).

Here are John's final thoughts which I thought were good enough to pass onto you, in order to convince you to take a look at the info:

"Before I end this course, I want to add two things.

The first is that, above all, have some fun with this. The most common mistake is to look at fitness and healthy eating as drudgery, as a joyless task or a Spartan lifestyle. But that’s ridiculous. In reality, it’s whatever you make it. So why not make it fun?

Eating healthy can mean enjoying a gourmet dinner with friends and family, it can mean trying new things, it can mean helping those you love, and it can mean getting healthier by the day. It can mean seeing your body transform before your eyes. You’ll enjoy that, believe me.

Second, make sure that you take some step, right now, to further your progress.

One of the things I’ve learned over the years is that the “I’ll do it tomorrow” promise is never fulfilled -- ever.

Tomorrow will fill up with the same distractions and mind-numbing tasks as yesterday, and that promise will be broken. And the thing about promises is that the more we break, the harder it gets to fulfill them in the future.

Again: the only time to do something is right now.

Do something now – anything! It doesn’t matter, as long as it's positive and it moves you forward. Take a notebook out and scribble down your goals, like we talked about in Day 4. Dump out the bad foods from your pantry, like we talked about in Day 2. Or as we discussed in Day 3, get some social support, like a fitness-loving friend, a personal trainer, anything.

And hey, if you liked this course and want to continue working with me, pick up a copy of Precision Nutrition. It’s simple, it works, and thousands have used it to get the same results you’re looking for right now. You can even talk to them live on the private, members-only forum. And it’s 100% money-back guaranteed for 45 days, so you can even try it out on me if you like.

Whatever you decide, do something positive right now. Don’t wait until tomorrow, don’t wait ten minutes, don’t wait at all, because if you do you know as well as I do that it’ll never happen. The only time to act is now, and the window of opportunity is closing."

Good stuff from Berardi,


berardi nutrition

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