Friday, August 18, 2006

Protein Powder Q'n'A

Protein Powder Q'n'A

Rapid fire Q'n'A today...I'm on the hot seat!

> How much better is 3 sets than 1?

***Not sure how to put a number on that. 25-50% I would guess. Three sets are more important for muscle-building and strength-building than for fat loss, in my opinion.
Either way, even if you only have 15 minutes for a workout, this shows you that time is no excuse not to train. Do 1 set, get lots of results, and then get on with whatever else you must do.

> When you say 3x8 are you using the same weight for each set?

***Without being there to pick the best weight for you, yes, that is the general plan.

> Go to failure?
***No. If I were there with you, we might go to failure on some free weight exercises. Without a spotter, there is no need to risk it.

> At what point do you increase the resistance?

***When you can complete all sets at the rep range as per the instructions. Then you are ready for a new challenge.

Okay, now some longer Q'n'A...

Q: After 2 rounds of jumping rope, what are your toughts about hitting a heavy bag (no kicking), intense and hard, for 6 - 3 minute rounds with 1 minute rest in between? Adequate enough to replace conventional intervals? I've had some boxing experience and have correct punching form and technique, I am literally soaked when done, I enjoy it immensly and dislike (hate!!) running (bad knee) and biking.

I've done some boxing and know the feeling. However, even if you did add kicking in there I'm not convinced you would get the same fat loss and fitness benefits in comparison to running or bodyweight interval training.

The number one factor for fitness and fat loss benefits is the total amount of mechanical work performed in the session...and the total work done is less in boxing than it is in sprinting.

You are moving a smaller mass with each rep. Therefore, less work done.

Still tough, but not the same. Don't let me discourage you though, do what you like and let us know how it goes.

Q: In an email from July 24, 2006, you rank your preferred methods of interval training. Number 5 is Stationary Cycle (upright preferred). Can you explain why the upright bike is preferred over a recumbent bike? What are the pros and cons of each? Thank You.

The recumbent bike is good if there is no other option. Results would be as good as upright cycling.

The only problem is minor, in the setup...

Because you are projecting your force vector forward, rather than downward, I find that people tend to make too much extra movement at the hips during hard intervals. Lots of squirming about, if you know what I mean. I think that over time, doing intervals in this position will be rough on the low back and hips. The upright cycle, less so.

Q: What do you mean by a protein shake?

A protein shake means 1 serving (1 scoop = 20grams of protein) from a commercial protein powder. The ingredients should simply be protein (usually whey protein), with little added sugar or ingredients. Most protein powders will break down like this for 1 scoop:
Protein = 20g
Sugar = 1g
Fat = 1-2g

If you can't get enough protein from real food, then you can use the powders to supplement.

I personally have not used protein supplements in months. I used to use a lot...but I notice absolutely no difference in performance or mass from giving the powders the ol' heave-ho.

Protein powders aren't as necessary as the magazines make them out to be,


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