Thursday, August 17, 2006

4 Bonus E-books for You

From: Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News


I wanted to drop you a quick email to let you know I’ve just finished revamping my entire library of the “sample versions” of all my eBooks!

These sample versions contain excerpts from 4 of my books:

- The Best Abdominal Exercises You’ve Never Heard Of
- The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of
- Metabolic Surge – Rapid Fat Loss
- Gluteus to the Maximus – Build A Bigger Butt NOW!

Click HERE for Nick's site

There is absolutely no charge to download these samples and they contain volumes of great information, pictures and exercise videos for you to work with. In fact, you’ll find more unique information in these samples than you’ll get in most books you have to pay for!

If you haven’t gotten these samples yet, be sure to check themout now! They’re available in our unique “mini-website” ebook format (“exe” files) and in PDF format.


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