Friday, August 18, 2006

Lower Body Workout Routine: Thursday

Lower Body Workout Routine

Trained a little later in the day, due to the 1-hour teleseminar I was doing with Kyle Battis for his home gym secrets website

It was another great call and we discussed a lot of home gym options...Kyle has a dream home set should really check out his site.


So I trained with my two pro strength coach buddies again...and we did another tough, but great workout. Lower body this time.

1) Front Squat (3x8)

2) Barbell Lunge (3x6-8)

3) Belza Split Squat with bar in front squat position (3x6)
[see picture for foot set-up of Belza Split Squat]

4) Glute-ham raise on ball (2x12)

This is a great workout for both athletes and bodybuilders. This will put on lots of mass for guys (if you eat heavy and train heavy) but at the same time hits important muscles for performance.

Sitting down to train legs, kind of an oxymoron isn't it?


lower body workout routine

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