Sunday, August 27, 2006

7-Day Guide: Exercise of the Week

Use this week's tips to guide you to better eating, faster fat loss, improved health, and more energy.

Do your regularly scheduled TT workout.

Remember, it's very important for you to train the back of the body. The glutes, hamstrings, and upper back contain a lot of your body's muscle, and that means these areas can burn a lot of calories.

Modify your seated rows to this exercise - The Wide-grip Seated Row to get more results in less time.

30 minutes of activity. If you have a child, please get them active and on the road to a healthy lifestyle ASAP.

I just realized last week that I'm likely to outlive half of the people TWO generations younger than me...for more on my trip to the doctor and child obesity, click HERE

TT workout. I've mentioned this before, but it bears repeating now.

If you have only 10 minutes for your workout, and you want to build strength, burn fat, and boost your metabolism, the absolute best two simple exercises you can do would be:

1A) Dumbbell Squat
1B) DB Press or Pushup

Start with light weights and just go back and forth, building up the intensity, for 10 minutes. No rest between exercises. You'll be able to do 2 warm-up sets and 3 regular sets in only 10 minutes.

30 minutes of activity. When I visited my Doctor last week, he mentioned that blood pressure is one of the most ignored health measures among his patients. He encourages everyone, even you, to have your blood pressure tested. If it's high, ask for help.

TT workout. It's Friday, have a little fun with this workout. Throw in a superset of your two favorite exercises to finish off the week.

30 minutes of activity, check in with your social support group. Have everyone bring a food log detailing exactly what they have eaten for the last 7 days. Review them with the group to identify everyone's problem points, then come up with solutions to these healthy eating obstacles.

You should also do this on your own. Critique your food intake.

Plan, shop, and prepare.

If you don't have junk food in the house, you're not going to eat it. Unfortunately, the opposite is almost always true. If you have junk in the house, no matter how hard you try, you're likely going to give in.

So do your best to keep it out.

If it's treats for the kids, keep only a small amount on hand and make sure that you put these off-limits for yourself.

Fat loss starts at home,


P.S. It's here!
The updated TT Fat Loss Nutrition Guidelines for Men & Women report is done.

Written by Dr. Chris Mohr, Ph.D., this 25 page report details eating guidelines for fat loss, but also addresses modifications for obese individuals who can't, and shouldn't, follow the 1gram of protein per pound of bodyweight rule.

The Nutrition Report is now available to anyone that orders Turbulence Training for Fat Loss, Turbulence Training for Women (the full manual), or the 6-Month Bodyweight Manual.

Click here to order your TT Manual today and get the TT Nutrition Guidelines as a bonus at no extra cost.

(Previous customers - you should have received an email with a link to download the new report. If you haven't, please let me know.)

Of course, you can also be the first to get any of my new reports and manuals by becoming a Turbulence Training Member. Check out the TT Membership area here.

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