Friday, August 25, 2006

Friday's Arm Workout Routine

arm workout routine

Traveled back to Stratford to train at the Y. That's the gym where I first started training 15 years ago...and even back then I was trying to figure out how to get the most results in the least amount of time.

But back then I made some mistakes. Training too often for the shoulder joint, by using the traditional, but un-necessary 5-day bodybuilder split. Sometimes 6 days a week. That pounds your shoulders doing body parts on a daily basis...

A much better way to go is to use the 4-day splits I use now...which you can find in the Turbulence Training for Mass program.

Click HERE to get Turbulence Training for Mass

There were some good things and some bad things about the ol' gym.

Good: There was a 65 yr old woman pumping some serious iron.

Bad: There were 2 guys doing behind the neck pulldowns. The Y never ceases to have a few guys that are stuck in a time warp.

My workout was good overall...

1A) DB Shoulder Press (4x8)
1B) Neutral Grip Chin (3x10)

2A) Incline DB Curl (3x8)
2B) Tri Pressdown (3x12)

3) DB Preacher Curl (3x8)

New program starts next week, time to get serious about getting strong,


arm workout routine

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