Saturday, July 08, 2006

Saturday's Workout

On Saturdays, I train the second upper body workout of the week. And I usually try out some new things as well.

I started today with a bodyweight circuit:

Prisoner Squat (20 reps)
Decline Pushup (20)
Prisoner Step-up (10)
Rotate Lunge (10)
Spiderman Climb (20)
Waiters Bow (15)
Bird Dog (5)
Y & T Raises (15 eaach)
Stick up (12)

After that, I finished up with some arms. yep, just arms. Sometimes you just have to have a little fun.

My favorite arm exercises - and the ones I use in the manuals most often - are the simply Lying DB Triceps Extension and Incline DB Curls. Two basics, allow you to use a nice amount of weight that will stimulate growth and metabolism.

Have fun and work hard,


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