Saturday, July 08, 2006

New Audio Interview...

For anyone that is a subscriber, I have a new 30-minute audio interview on program design up on the site. Unfortunately that is a subscription site so not everyone will be able to get access to it...

For free audio interviews, I have been interviewed in episodes 3 & 10 over at

And of course, when you order the Turbulence Training for Fat Loss package, you get an exclusive 60-minute audio interview with me going over the nuts and bolts of TT. From fat loss to mass to bodyweight training, it's all there -

Oh, and all TT Members get it as well. But they get everything.


P.S. TT is changing lives...

"I just wanted to let you know that I have been using your Turbulence Training program diligently since December 2005 and am very impressed by the results I am achieving. As a physician with a particular interest in sports medicine and injury prevention, I find your program to be a superior approach to permanent weight loss and muscular development. The information you provide has a sound basis in all of the latest medical research surrounding exercise physiology and the science of muscle growth. I find your programs to be dynamic and the variety of fitness regimes you offer really minimize the possibility of falling prey to plateaus. As a very busy professional with constant career and family related demands, I find that Turbulence Training is an efficient, highly effective and most of all, fun way towards achieving my fitness goals. I am very grateful to you for this. Keep up the excellent work. Through Turbulence Training, you are changing the lives of many people!"
Dr. Shayne Ladak,
Resident in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,
McMaster University

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