Saturday, July 08, 2006

7-Day Guide

Whether you are busier or have more free time this summer, make sure that you do your best to eat right.

Nutrition is probably the most important aspect of your body changing plan, no matter what your goal.

(NOTE: This is me doing a "Stick-up" over here >>>)

Here's this week's 7-day guide to improving your body...

Switch up the intervals by making them 30 seconds longer than what you do now.

30 minutes (at least) of enjoyable recreational activity. Be a kid again, and just do some random running and jumping - or simply do whatever your kid wants to do.

TT Workout followed by bodyweight circuits, instead of traditional intervals. Try this equipment needed. Three rounds with 1 minute rest between sets. Do as many reps per set as you want.

  • Prisoner Squat
  • Elevated Pushup
  • Stick-ups (see the photo for an idea of how to do this exercise)
  • Bulgarian Split Squat
  • Waiter's Bow
30 minutes of activity, followed by a review of your New Year's resolutions. Check your goals - we are halfway through the year. Are you on track or are you still spinning your wheels?

TT Workout. Drop the reps for each exercise this workout. For each exercise (except for abs exercises), do 3 sets of 6. A little higher intensity workout, with the rest of the weekend off to recover.

Plan, shop, and prepare.

If you have access to a farmers' market, the food is usually fresher. Even better if you can go to a 'pick your own' place. Prices are not necessarily lower but food quality is higher, so better value for money.

I'm switching this up this week, because Farmer's Markets are not open on Sunday.

This should be your favorite workout of the week...30 minutes (at least) of recreational activity with your social support group. Then catch up on all my posts for the week at this blog.

Celebrate your success,

P.S. If you are stuck, let TT help...

“At mid-life, pushing 300 pounds, and highly skeptical of quick-fixes, I learned of Turbulence Training at CB Athletics and decided it was a program which made sense. It's about hard work, sensible eating, and getting stronger. I found the efficiency of the program to be appealing. In less than an hour, 3 to 4 times per week, the workouts are manageable on a busy schedule. It produced not only weight loss of close to 60 pounds; my strength increased rather dramatically. I have recommended the program to many men who are seeking an efficient, yet demanding, program for fitness and healthy eating.”
Todd Thompson

Click here to order

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