Saturday, July 15, 2006

7-Day Guide: Ab Exercise

This is going to be a crazy busy week for me, and I'll have to use the Turbulence Training principles (supersets, efficient exercises, and intervals) to get the most results in the least amount of time.

I suggest you do the same!

Here's your 7-day guide to success...

TT workout. Switch it up a bit by using unilateral exercises (i.e. exercises that train the limbs independent from one another) in place of bilateral exercises. So for example, replace squat with stepups, and bench presses with dumbbell presses, and seated rows with 1-arm DB rows, etc.

And then make sure you head over to to check out the incredible new offer - only available from Monday through Wednesday, July 19th at midnight.

30 minutes of activity, followed by a review of the supplements you are using. Most supplements are a waste of time, and even the ones that might be helpful can be harmful if you are using low quality supplements. So make sure that you are using the right fish oils or none at all.

TT workout. Get back to basics. If you have strayed from the plan and are starting to use more machines or isolation exercises, re-start your TT program and use only multi-muscle exercises that get you more bang-for-your-buck.

30 minutes of activity followed by a review of your sleep schedule. Make sure that you are not sacrificing sleep for the pursuit of frivolous activities (such as watching TV or playing video games). And keep a good sleep pattern over the weekend. Don't ruin next week with bad sleep on the weekend.

TT workout. Let's take a lesson from Nick Nilsson and use a rotational ab exercise, such as the Cable Chop to finish the workout. See it here.

30 minutes of activity, check in with your social support group, and then treat yourself to a massage or other similar treatment. You deserve it.

Plan, shop, and prepare.

Look for alternative sources of lean protein, so that you are not eating chicken breasts everyday. In the past couple of months, I've eaten wild boar, emu, elk, and bison.

All organic meats, so you don't have to have any guilt about "factory farming". All purchased from the Healthy Butcher on Queen Street in Toronto. Another great source for organic meat in Toronto is Beretta Farms.

My friend Matt Nichol, strength coach of the Maple Leafs even had the Leafs and Marlies train "strongman" events out at the Berretta Farm this spring.

Hey Ladies, check out the Maple Leaf beef in some of the photos here:

Enjoy the summer sunshine safely,


P.S. Just wait till you see...

The 4 new incredible bonuses that you get when you order TT for Fat Loss between Monday and Wednesday of this week. You're going to get fat burning secrets from three top fat loss trainers that will help you lose more fat, burst through fat loss plateaus, and build a better body with natural methods, not expensive, artificial pills and powders.

Visit today to sign-up for the alert of this 72-hour promo.

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