Sunday, July 16, 2006

Nutrition Interview with Dr. Eric Serrano

I've interviewed Dr. Serrano on my newsletter before...

Here is a link to recent interview of Dr. Serrano done by Dave Tate of Elite Fitness Systems.

Note what Dr. Serrano says about fish oils...

You get what you pay for out there. I will tell you from experience that I have lab tested tons of supplements, and many do not match what the label claims. Fish oils are one of the worst. If you buy cheap crap, the likelihood of them being contaminated are very high. Supplement companies are in business to make money, and if they are offering very low prices, they may be cutting corners on the raw materials. I am familiar with all of the raw pricing because I am monitoring what goes into the alpha omega and other products. We have the raw products tested before the product is put together to ensure the quality standards. I know of other companies who buy the cheapest raws that they can find. They are full of toxins and no one else wants them. But the companies feel that they can deliver more “value” perception. They count on consumers thinking that more capsules for a lower price is better. I aim to change those approaches and explain that quality is vital. Otherwise, do not even bother taking them.


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