Friday, May 24, 2019

Toronto Training and Daisy Update

Daisy has been crushing it as a dog, she's batting 1.000 at doing dog things daily. Today she got her stitches out and she's back to "normal" and has been playing at the park and loving it. I'm grateful the dog bite she got 2 weeks ago was minor damage.

Since last update I drove back to Toronto and crushed a great deadlift workout at Bang Fitness.

1a) Glute Ham Raise
1b) Mobility

2a) Deadlift
2b) Box Jump

3a) KB Farmer Walk
3b) Ab Wheel

And today I'll hit this:

1a) Scap Pushup
1b) Band Pull

2a) Bench Press
2b) TRX Row

3a) Pullup
3b) Triceps

Then tomorrow my sister is having a big wedding reception party for all her out of town friends so should be fun! Daisy is not allowed though, lol.

Rock on!


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