Thursday, February 14, 2019

Squats Already

Even though I deadlifted only two days ago, I stepped under the squat bar on Thursday for a Ballantyne's Day workout. 😊

I love the old weights, and wouldn't have it any other way, haha.

Yesterday after the train ride I did some dumbell shoulder presses and arms.

Today was more serious... sets of 20 rep squats! Worked up to 225. Should feel it tomorrow night.

1a) Squats 4x20
1b) Mobility

2a) Glute-Ham Raise
2b) Cable Abs

Tomorrow I have a workshop here in Toronto... but I might do some chest presses before I walk over to the event hotel.

Then tomorrow night I finally get a haircut, and I will hit a conditioning session on Saturday at lunch.

Next week I fly to NYC on Tuesday and I'm doing a television show on Wednesday!

Details soon...

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