Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Snowstorms and Deadlifts in Canadia

Monday's workout got cancelled.

But not due to a snowstorm.

It was postponed on a count of my hair transplant.

Here's the thing... one of the supportive therapies I added to my hair transplant (that I got back in December) was something called PRP injections.

PRP is like stem-cells, and stands for platelet-rich plasma. You do a little blood draw, spin the blood for 10 minutes until the RBC's (red blood cells) separate from the plasma, and then inject the plasma into your head where the transplant occurs.

Science suggests that PRP slows hair loss, and supports hair growth after a transplant.

My experience shows that it hurts like heck, haha.

This was my third round of PRP.

In the previous two go's, I had local freezing applied to the injection site.

This time, on advice of my buddy Jeremy (who has also had it done), I decided to forego the freezing.

My eyes were watering halfway through the injections into my scalp... there are about 12-16 injections per treatment.

Oh well, it was over quick, but the nurse told me to take it easy for a couple of hours, which meant I skipped my workout and just did a couple of long walks instead.

I also left Toronto and took the train back to my hometown of Stratford, where I had a good garage gym workout on Tuesday morning while a snow and ice storm raged outside.

The session looked like this:

1a) Deadlift
1b) Box Jumps

2a) Reverse Lunge with Weight Vest
2b) Power Shrugs

All good times.

And I slept like a champ last night. One of the best night's rests I've had in a long time.

Today I traveled back to Toronto and I'm going to do that pressing workout that I missed on Monday.

Peace out and happy early Ballantyne's Day!

Talk soon,


PS - Life is a game of percentages.

Here's how to rig the game in your favor.

Eat 10% less. Sleep 20% more. Curse 30% less. :) Watch 50% less TV. Read 70% more. Listen 100% more. And Love 1000% more.

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