Sunday, November 04, 2018

NYC travels

What a great weekend in NYC.

It's the perfect day for the big city's Marathon, but I'll be coaching some entrepreneurs to grow their business faster while having more work-life balance.

To start the day I went for a walk to Central Park. It was all fenced off for the race, and thousands of people were already out getting ready.

But I also saw people doing wedding photos at 6:30am in Times Square. That was so weird!

Yesterday I did upper body:

KB Presses

The day before I did lower body

DB Bulgarian Split Squats
KB Swings
Leg Extensions (haha, yes, hotel gym fun!)
Cable Abs

Then yesterday I spoke to 100 entrepreneurs for my friend Vinny D.

Last night had a great sushi dinner with Jason Capital.

Tomorrow I fly to San Diego. 

Big week ahead!

Talk soon,


Craig Ballantyne
Author, The Perfect Day Formula 


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