Monday, November 05, 2018

Flight to San Diego

Time has been on my side recently.

First it was daylight savings on Saturday night, so I caught up one hour of sleep... only 150 to go, haha!

And today's flight from NYC to San Diego went perfectly.

It was a 3-hour time travel session, and I finished a very important presentation.

After I landed and did some phone calls, I jumped over to one of my favorite gyms, Fit Athletic, for a workout:

1A) Deadlifts
1B) Box Jumps

2A) Wide Grip Deadlifts
2B) Core Training

Lots of mobility and foam rolling today, too.

Then some walking around to get groceries for the week.

Now to get more sleep ... busy day tomorrow with a podcast with Shawn Stevenson to promote my new book, Unstoppable, and then a training session with the team at Organify.

PS - Made a video about lessons from my dog. 

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