Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Back in Toronto

Whew! Big trip is over. Back in Toronto.

Landed yesterday afternoon in late March weather... there's hardly a snowflake to be seen.

After a hilarious midnight fire alarm at the hotel (where I tried to unplug the alarm clock to make it stop, LOL), I woke up early and dominated my morning routine.

Then it was off to Bang Fitness for a workout:

1A) Deadlift
1B) Handstand Pushup

2A) Glute-Ham Raise
2B) Ab Wheel

20-minute walk each way to and fro.

Now for dinner tonight with Brad Pilon!

He's been on a vegan diet for three years... and we're going to a steakhouse.


Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Set your workouts as appointments - as commitments that can not be broken under ANY circumstance. Respect the commitment you made with yourself. And don't forget to schedule non-negotiable date nights and fun time, too.

PS -

Hold everyone in your life to higher standards. Here is a great list from Bedros Keuilian, the CEO of Fit Body Boot Camp, on the high standards to have in your life:

Do not tolerate...

- poor work ethic

- time theft

- gossip

- people who flake

- passive aggressive behavior

- pessimists and skeptics

- doing the bare minimum

Expect and give...

- loyalty

- high standards

- team work

- a "can do" attitude

- speed of implementation

- hard work

- optimism

- attention to detail

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