Sunday, February 18, 2018

Birthdays and Bench Presses

Fun day. I'm going to pay for it tomorrow.

But first, a quick recap of yesterday.

It was Joel Marion's daughter's birthday. Lily was turning 7.

They had 90 people to the party, and I had a really deep discussion with Vince Delmonte about fatherhood, selling, fitness, faith, and family. It was probably our best discussion in the 10 years I have known him.

Got back to the hotel around 8, woke up at 4, and got back to Joel's around 10 (after a 45 minute walk over).

Then it was brunch, followed with this workout:

1A) Pushups
1B) Face Pull

2A) Bench Press
2B) Cable Row

3A) 1-Arm DB Press
3B) Iron Cross

Then 20 sprints while playing tag with Joel's daughters.

My Achilles tendons are going to be tight tomorrow!

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

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