Sunday, October 01, 2017

Perfect Event In Renton with Luka and Jay and a Meathead Session

Yesterday was a lot of fun at Luka Hocaver's fitness business event in Renton, Washington. His gym is called Vigor, and although I didn't get a chance to visit it, word on the street is that it is one of the best in America.

I spoke on Saturday morning after Jason Ferruggia, and put people through my 10X Vision Planning session. It was a hit.

You can watch a similar teaching session here:

After presenting, I had lunch with Jay & Jen Ferruggia, along with a good friend, Coach Kenny Johnson. Then I had a big nap! Followed that with a walk and presentation dissection with Jay.

Today I have a workshop, so I hit an early morning meathead session in the HUGE hotel gym. It's impressive. The new Hyatt Regency in Renton is a great place to hold an event.

This morning's workout went like this:

1A) Bodyweight Row
1B) Plank

2A) Chinups
2B) Lateral Raise

3A) More Bodyweight Rows
3B) DB Triceps Extension

Tomorrow I will do another leg workout... with the Smith Machine! And then I fly back to Toronto where I have no travel planned for almost 4 weeks. I haven't been home for this long of a stretch since 2015. Looking forward to settling in to my new apartment in Toronto and filming lots of videos.

I'm also preparing for my Perfect Life Retreat and hope to see you there!

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Happy - "Change is a matter of choice, not calendar. You could just as easily change today as New Year's Day." -

Let's make BIG changes at my big coaching event in San Diego on November 9-10.

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