Saturday, September 30, 2017

Seattle Pushups

Had a really smooth flight from Vegas to Seattle on Friday, and then a quick trip to Renton, Washington, where I'm speaking at a fitness event today with my good friend, Jason Ferruggia.

I had an easy night chilling in my hotel room, and reading the first draft of my new book (!).

This morning I did a simple workout:

1A) Pushups
1B) Iron Cross
1C) Core Training

A total of 200 pushups.

It's good enough. Might train later with Jay, or just go for a walk around Seattle this afternoon.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

5 great lessons from the amazing author, business man and incredible speaker, Jesse Itzler, @the100mileman (on IG):

1. "How you do anything is how you do everything"

2. "When you think you're done, your body still has 40% more it can give."

3. "We didn't come this far to only come this far."

4. "If you want to meet someone, just start cold calling and don't stop until you achieve your goal."

5. "We can ALL do so much MORE!"

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