Monday, September 11, 2017

Squats and Romans and Jay

Triple podcast update today.

But first, a workout review. On Saturday I hit a walk. On Sunday I did an upper body meathead session in B's home garage gym (where it was nearly 90 degrees!). It went like this:

1A) Pullup
1B) 1-Arm KB Press

2A) Pushup
2B) TRX Row

Then it was off in an Uber to LA to meet John Romaniello. It was so good to catch up with him. We talked (well really, he talked) for 90 minutes, then it was off to meet Jay Ferruggia for brunch. After that Jay bought a box of donuts and ate them all before we got 2 blocks from the donut shop LOL.

This morning back in Chino Hills for a squat session.

1A) Ball Curl
1B) Box Jump

2) Squat

3A) Lunge
3B) Leg Curl

And then we released three new podcasts, including a killer one on nutrition and high performance =>

Here are two others:

Coaching =>

Structure -

Don't forget to check all of my podcasts at

Bedros and I also filmed more video podcasts for our show at

And I'll be starting another show soon!


Now it's time to fly back to Toronto!

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

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