Friday, September 08, 2017

Legends and Front Squats

It's been a fun week in SoCal.

Yesterday i visited the legendary Lewis Howes at his famous studio in Hollywood, and I had a chance to interview him.

We also made a little video here.

Then I drove back to Chino Hills (well, Uber'd) and taught a mastermind session, then followed that up with a big steak dinner at Mastro's in Costa Mesa, Cali.

Today I was well fueled for:

1A) Hang Cleans
1B) Front Squats

2A) Good Morning
2B) Shrugs

Great times.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Story:

Do you ever wonder what your "idol" would do if faced with self-doubt...

Or do they even struggle with it at all?

Of course they do, they are human!

Let me tell you a quick story...

One of my clients is a fan of U2 and Bono, and we were talking about his confidence.

But I thought... Did he ever struggle?

So I googled it.

Sure enough, he once had a massive confidence issue at the most pivotal time in his career...

Here's what I found.

"Forever plagued with self-doubt, Bono was wretchedly depressed before its release (of the Joshua Tree)..."

(Full story =>…)

Can you believe that?

Right before the release of one of the greatest rock'n'roll records of all time, Bono was not just feeling down, but feeling "wretchedly depressed."

He was terrified that he was going to fail on the world's stage.

(Yikes. Makes today's sales presentation seem a little less intimidating, doesn't it?!?)

Listen, the bottom line is that we all have self-doubt!

We all suffer the curse.

The struggle is real...


You have done the WORK.

Just like Bono, you are a master at your craft.

And just like U2, you are getting better every day.

So I want you to do what they did... I want you to step outside of your comfort zone and perform.

Because when that happens, when we put ourselves into our tests that push us out of our comfort zone...

...we realize, "You know what, that wasn't so bad."

And that makes us GROW so that our self-doubt SHRINKS.

But that only happens if we push and test ourselves... if we let self-doubt win, if we run and hide, if we hold back and avoid adversity, we shrink and self-doubt wins.

Don't let that happen.

Instead, be your BIG self, your BEST self, in every situation today.




Here's to an amazing Friday and a well-earned week of self-growth and success.



Image may contain: 1 person, sunglasses, text and closeup

Craig Ballantyne
Author, The Perfect Day Formula


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