Thursday, September 14, 2017

Deadlifts and Wake Ups

Hey, you're getting two updates today. Enjoy!

I didn't sleep well last night. Got to bed early but woke up after a few hours and couldn't get back to sleep. After almost 2 hours of reading I fell asleep again. Two days in a row of being tired... so I should crash hard tonight.

Still, I managed a good deadlift session today.

1A) Deadlift
1B) Mobility

2A) Leg Curl Eccentrics (trying something out)
2B) Shrug

That was it.

Kickbutt Tip of the Day:

Struggling with FB, IG, or Youtube addiction?

Use a program called "Internet Freedom" to block you from using the Internet (or specific sites). Also, use "Rescue Time" to monitor your Internet use so you become more productive.

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