Friday, September 15, 2017

Caffeine and Meathead Time

Lately I've been drinking caffeine on a more regular basis. It's not a lot (50mg per day), but in the past it was rarely two days in a row. Now I consume it five days in a row.

But today I didn't feel like it. I was already a little stressed out with some business stuff and I have a lot to get done before a busy weekend.

Plus, I didn't need it for today's simple workout.

1A) Pushups
1B) DB Lateral Raise
1C) DB Curls
1D) Ab Wheel Rollout
1E) DB Triceps Extension

Fun times.

Tomorrow I'm going to squat.

Then it's off to the big city. I have some apartment hunting to do, meetings to take, and dinners to enjoy.

Next week it's off to Atlanta, LA, Vegas, and Seattle. More details soon!

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
"The struggle you're in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow." – Bobby Maximus

Don't suffer in silence if you're feeling anxious.

Here's what happens when you hold things in...

Last Thursday I received an email from a Workshop client and fellow gym-owner with the subject line: "Heart attack?"


Fortunately, it wasn't a literal heart attack, but one of our clients and friends suffered an anxiety attack like the one I went through years ago.

"Craig, on Thursday I was awakened by pressure in my chest. I felt like I was having a heart attack. I even went to the emergency room because it was so bad. Now it's time to figure out why this has happened to me at this particular time in my life."

I had a phone call with our friend and discovered that she was suffering in silence. This is what brings everyone, including Bedros and myself, to their knees.

Please do NOT suffer in silence.

Do not hold in your worries.

Do not create F.E.A.R. (false expectations appearing real).

If you are struggling, concerned, or worried, about anything, please talk to someone. Holding things in only builds up the pressure and then eventually it releases in some way that is far worse than any difficult conversation you might need to have.

Trust me. When you are worried or anxious, you must get "out of your own head".

Here are some simple habits to add to fight anxiety:

1) Get outside and walk for 20 minutes in the AM and PM.
2) Breathe in through your nose for 4, hold for 4, and exhale for 7. Repeat 8 times.
3) Hug as many people as you can get away with! :)
4) Call a close friend to just "catch up". Share whatever you are comfortable with.
5) Do something nice for a stranger.

Do the best you can to get "out of your own head" and give yourself to the world.

And please do not suffer in silence. It only makes things worse.

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