Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Nashville Uber Toronto Workout

Here's a really fun podcast to start. Enjoy!


Don't miss the wacky fitness challenge he made me "invent" at the start of the show... But the mental toughness challenge is even better!

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Today I did something different, too.

I went to the gym in the afternoon. This is rare. Very rare.

But good fun.

I started the morning in Nashville. Got up early, worked, and hit the airport at 7am. Had a couple of protein bars there, and then napped on a quick flight to Toronto.

Then I took a big leap of faith and took a $145 uber ride from the airport to my home... overall, it'll be cheaper than a rental car.

After petting the dog and cleaning his dirty ears, I biked to the gym for my first afternoon squat session in years.

1A) Squats
1B) Mobility

2A) Good Morning
2B) Box Jumps

Left hamstring was tight and my right IT band is still a tiny bit sore, but overall it was a good session.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Everything you do sets you up for success or puts an obstacle in your way. Choose actions consistent with the image you've committed to…no one likes a hypocrite.

Set your expectations high – and hit them.

Push on,

Craig Ballantyne

PS - Amazing post from CTT, Stephanie Flynn...

Becoming your best requires daily work. I am working on myself every day so I can make my team, clients, and daughter better every day. It is crucial my team works on themselves every day so that we can make our clients better every day.

We want to be fighter jets in life. When you are a fighter jet, you get extraordinary results fast. That means:

• Getting more done at work and at home in
less time
• Having massive amounts of all-day energy
• Feeling less stress and a greater sense of peace
• Having more impact and meaning through work
• And improving your health and wealth

Here's how you do that...

• More structure in your days
• Clarity of passion and purpose
• Strength in your skills and leadership ability
• Mental resilience and passionate persistence
• Constant and never ending
improvement => KAIZEN

You don't become stronger, happier, and more successful by accident, it is daily intentional (AMAZINGLY AWESOME) "work"

* Thank you for the inspiration Craig Ballantyne and Bedros Keuilian ... fighter jets

Craig Ballantyne
Author, The Perfect Day Formula


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