Thursday, August 17, 2017

High Performance Mastery and Garage Gym Meathead Mastery

Still? Really? After all we've talked about? :)

Too many potentially successful people make a crucial mistake as soon as they wake up.

That mistake, as you know from my book, is hitting the snooze button.

But if you're a fighter jet, then you'll make this promise to me:

You'll never hit snooze again – EVER. Here's why...

"When you hit the snooze button, you're telling your hopes and dreams that they are not important and that they can wait." – Bedros Keuilian

WOW! Isn't that scary? Do you really want your subconscious mind believing this?

No way! That's why you must NEVER hit snooze again.

Here's a little incentive. Fine yourself $100 every time you hit snooze. Pay that fine to a cause you dislike.

Yes, this is extreme. But you need to get this serious if snoozing is a problem.

You can also apply this to any bad habit in your life (I used this system to quit cursing in just 6 days).

Here are two dudes that don't snooze!

— with Bedros Keuilian.

I just don't get it.

Oh well...

I didn't hit snooze today even though I didn't sleep well last night.

But I got up and finished my #1 work project for the day, walked the dog, ate breakfast, spent another 90 minutes in creative time, and then hit the garage gym for the following workout:

1A) DB Press - worked up to a PB of 80x12
1B) Band Pull

2A) DB Incline
2B) TRX Row

Tomorrow is an off day and then Saturday AM is Deadlift Day. Hurray!

After lunch I did a podcast and two sales calls, batting .500. I had another high performer join my new Perfect Life Mastery program, which is a 3-meeting per year group that is the next level after my 1-year Perfect Life Workshop mentoring program.

I love sharing my gift of vision and structure with the world because it helps high performers help 10X's as many people.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
The harder you work, the luckier you will get. Put yourself in the places you need to be to meet the people you to meet so that you become the person you need to become to achieve the goals you want to achieve.

Work hard,

Craig Ballantyne

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