Tuesday, March 21, 2017

TT in San Diego and Morocco and my Garage!

Today is my last day on the farm for a few weeks. Now it's off to Toronto tonight for an early flight to San Diego tomorrow. But I'll still be following my morning rituals. They are important.

In fact, Bally The Dog made a video about your morning routine here:
=> https://www.instagram.com/p/BR5i_MllHMZ/

Then the ol' pooch got dropped off at the kennel for a few days. Grandma will pick him up on Thursday.

The last thing I did before packing up was this great garage gym workout:

1A) Double KB Front Squat - 53x18 ... ties a personal best
1B) KB Swings

2A) DB Split Squat
2B) Plank

That should do me for a nice day off of travel.

Then the exciting times begin on Wednesday afternoon when I'll have a meeting with CTT's Daniel Woodrum and Ray Ortiz. On Thursday I speak at FBBC World Conference and do a 1-Day mastermind, and then two presentations (one on Friday and one on Saturday).

On Saturday I'll be recording a lot of podcasts and videos, and then delivering one of my legendary Perfect Life Workshops on Sunday.


Good times!

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Today is the perfect time to start again. If you've fallen off-track, revisit your goal and re-do your plan. Yes, there will be obstacles. No, it won't be easy. But the path to success IS simple. It's been done by someone worse off than us, with much bigger obstacles, and yet they were somehow able to rise up and succeed. If they could do it, so can you. But you must start now.

Push on,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Shout out to Certified Turbulence Trainer Steve Agyei...

... for representing TT in Morocco this week at a yoga retreat he's teaching. Thanks Steve for helping us towards our 10 Million Mission.

Spreading TT love all around the world!

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, sky, tree and outdoor

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