Friday, March 24, 2017

CTT Victory at FBBC and FBS

Wow, what a kick-off to FBS weekend. We have some very big news to report in the TT World.

Check this out!!!

Daniel and Brittney were awarded owner of the year today at World Conference with over 500 owners worldwide.

"It was a huge surprise to us, but has really nothing to do with us and everything with our team and hundreds of clients at both locations.

We are bringing this home for you South Carolina!" - Brittney

#honored #fbbcownerofyear

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing and indoor
Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, people on stage and indoor


And we're just getting started. CTT Nisan Trotter helped kick off the event today, and Daniel & Brittney will be on stage later this weekend.

They're even letting lil' ol me speak sometime, too.

So I'm going to take the day off from training and just do a few walks around San Diego while I rehearse my talks and think about the best particular articulations of my message.

I'll train tomorrow, and yesterday I had a great bench press workout in the hotel gym. Yep, the hotel gym had a bench press! It also had a TRX, and young Brian Kalakay, CTT, was in there dominating the straps.

If you need something fun to do this weekend, try this:

=> 60second metabolic grinders to accelerate fat loss without fancy equipment. Enjoy and CRUSH it this weekend!


Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

"When things get tough, sit down and dig deep and figure out your Big Why. Why am I here? You're here for a reason. Push that doubt out.  Think about your Big Why during tough moments. Pain is temporary, but if you quit, it's forever. So just keep going." – Brittney Williams

Stay tough,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

Craig Ballantyne
Founder, ETR University


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