Sunday, February 12, 2017

Sunday Morning Meathead and Social Media Session in San Diego

What a weekend!

Yesterday I held a Perfect Life Workshop in San Diego with my good friend, Alwyn Cosgrove, and four other students. It was a honor to be the teacher and mentor to Alwyn and the other high performers in the room. One of them, Dr. Kellee Rutley, will be a speaker at the TT Summit this year.

I'll post some photos of the event soon. Next weekend I'll be doing a Workshop in Clearwater with Joel Marion, Mike Westerdal, and a few others.

Riding the highs of the event, I had a fantastic workout at FIT Athletic today.

Sunday Morning Meathead Session:

1B) Pushup

2A) Bench
2B) Ring Pullup with Knee-Up

3A) Close Grip Bench
3B) Bodyweight Row

Before I went, I posted some social media messages, and this one struck a nerve on FB this morning...

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

"Whatever is in your way, you're better than it, stronger than it, tougher than it, and you're going to beat it." - Craig Ballantyne

Image may contain: one or more people and text

Go right,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Happy birthday to Master CTT, Peter Jankowski!

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