Monday, February 13, 2017

over 50 fat loss pictures

Q: Hey Craig, can you really lose fat after 50? And if so, do you have any fat loss programs for men and women in the prime of their lives?


Yes, the same workouts I use with every age group.

A workout doesn't need to be changed based on the age of the person. It needs to be changed based on the individual needs of the person.

For example, I've trained some folks who at 51 were fitter than 75% of people I knew under 25. On the other hand, I've trained 19 year old guys who had more body fat and health problems than the average 45 year old man.

Look at how fit Martiene is in the photo above…and she's 74 years young, and still getting fit everyday.
And check out Kerry, getting abs at age 51!

So there really isn't any difference in what I recommend to people age 50 plus. Of course, the Turbulence Training workouts are flexible, and can be easily modified for every strength and fitness level. Heck, we've had folks from 18-81 use Turbulence Training. The same exact programs.

I've also trained 18 year old high school girls and 65 year old women who had never exercised a day in their life. On the internet, one woman used Turbulence Training at 81 years young!

So in the beginner Turbulence Training program, we start everyone down on the ground and I shock them with how hard a "lying down" workout can be. It doesn't matter if you are 15 or 50, if you are overweight you are going to be challenged by the planks, 1-leg hip extensions, side planks, ball leg curls, and kneeling push-ups.

Here's just one of the Introductory workouts from Turbulence Training.

Beginner Interval Workout A

1A) Lying Hip Extension (8 reps)
1B) Plank (15 seconds)
2A) Bodyweight Squat (10 reps)
2B) Bird Dog (5 reps)
3A) Kneeling Pushup (8 reps)
3B) Side Plank (5 seconds)
I can't let an email send without me repeating myself and saying, "Diet is more important than exercise for fat loss". nutrition for fat loss

Hopefully you are getting that by now.

After that, folks over 50 need to focus on strength and burning a few more calories. A total body resistance training program, just like that for any other age group, will work best. If individual modifications are necessary, then we'll make them, but the population of 50+ folks is so diverse, I can't say that certain exercises are specific to that age group.

On the flexibility and mobility front, that might be a different story, but again, I'd still be telling you to use the same exercises I give someone at age 25 (stick-ups, etc.).

Frankly, the only "real" difference, in general, between a fat loss workout for someone under 30 and someone over 50 would be the music they listen to while training.

Agree or disagree? Let me know here!

And did I mention, diet is the most important aspect in a successful fat loss program?

Train hard but safe,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - Click here to get started with Turbulence Training



  1. Very interesting article. I'm already 50 years old and trying to lose some of the weight I've been carrying for so long. I have a bit of a knee problem so my daughter suggested the 3 Day Military diet to jumpstart my weightloss journey. Well, this low carb diet is great and since I'm vegetarian, there were a lot of veggies and fresh fruits. Some of the lean meat that was included in the diet, I substituted with tofu, eggs and nuts. Right now, I'm planning to enrol in a fitness strengthening program. Do you also know that I'm also watching what I drink? See the link for more information and be amazed:
