Saturday, January 21, 2017

Saturday Shangri-La Hotel Workout

I've spent the last couple of nights at my favorite hotel in the world, The Shangri-La in Toronto. Yesterday there were some fun meetings with Sol Orwell of and UJ Ramdas, co-author of The 5-Minute Journal. The night before that was a big dinner out and I ate a giant octopus. Seriously.

Heading home in a bit, but there was time for a morning meathead session today.

Today's workout:

1a) DB Chest Press

1b) Face Pull

2a) Pullup

2b) 1-Arm Standing Overhead Press

Tomorrow we deadlift!

Sad news for cardio folks...

On page 52 of the December, 2008 issue, Men's Health warns, "Never trust elliptical machines".

The magazine quotes a study that found elliptical machines over-estimated the number of calories burned in a workout by 31%. YIKES! No wonder elliptical machine cardio workouts don't work for fat loss.

Here's something better used by over 1,000,000 people!

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
You can do it. Here’s why. So many others, starting in worst circumstances than you are today, were able to overcome massive obstacles and achieve their dreams. If they can, you can. Your time is now. The path has been laid out for you. You just have to do the work. You must commit and never quit. Accept that simple premise, and you will succeed.

Push on,

Craig Ballantyne

PS - A great post from Daniel Woodrum on the TT FB page yesterday...

It's time for some self love. It's time to start thinking more of yourself and letting the world know you are a special person.

What is one positive word that describes you?

Share that one positive word below, and I want you to constantly repeat that word over and over today.

We will pick one lucky person who comments below and send you a free digital copy of my The Perfect Day Formula book.

All you have to do is comment below on the one word that best describes you and share this post.

Words of affirmation are so powerful!

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