Friday, January 20, 2017

Carb Diet

According a recent survey, 79% of people at the gym think you have to do these 3 things to lose weight:

  1. Cut back on calories until you're starving
  2. Do hours of cardio
  3. NEVER eat carbs again

That's all wrong.

But those beliefs are why most people... and maybe YOU ... struggle to lose weight.

You see, according to my friend and nutrition expert, Matt Stirling, the problem with low carb diets is that they leave you tired, weak, and grumpy.

Low-carb diets even give you "brain fog" that stops you from getting anything done and totally zaps your energy for exercise.

And if you're feeling weak and tired, you'll NEVER be able to lose stubborn belly fat.

Simply put, your body NEEDS carbs.  End of story.

That's why Matt is excited to introduce to you...

The Pasta, Potatoes, Rice, and Carbs Diet.

Despite what you've been told, carbs are not the "fat" enemy.

In fact, when you eat carbs the right way, they are actually your fat burning friend.

You can actually burn fat faster without giving up any of your favorite foods.

Matt's Carb Diet secret?

It's all part of a SIMPLE 3-Phase nutrition system that CUSTOMIZES your carb intake to overcome stubborn weight loss plateaus and help you FINALLY start losing fat again and cranking up your metabolic fat-burning fire (as if you were a teenager again).

Arrow blue  Check out his Customized Carb Cycling Solution here

Matt has worked very hard and has "cracked the carbohydrate code"  to get the fastest results possible with Customized Carb Cycling Solution.


Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - Because you are a friend of mine, Matt has a very special bonus for my action takers that will not be available anywhere else.

It's a collection of exclusive recipes for your low carb days, high carb days, pre-workout meals to fuel you through your workouts, post workout shakes and much, more.Cook book cover

It's called the Carb-Cycle Bible. This recipe collection is the "secret sauce" to getting the most out of the CCCS program.

To claim this special, exclusive bonus, email Matt your Clickbank receipt to and he will send you this exclusive bonus.
Arrow blue  Customized Carb Cycling Solution + Special Bonus

PPS - You cannot have self doubt. NONE of it!

16002882 10202709074524119 4202237092342389375 n"Controlling your time, dominating your day, and overcoming the mental clutter holding you back are the keys to losing, weight, getting rich, and finding the love of your life. You cannot have self-doubt. You must feel deserving of extraordinary results. This belief is essential to getting those rewards. This is politically incorrect, but true."

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