Tuesday, January 10, 2017

New workout videos reminder from Bally

Woof, woof!

Ol' Bally the Dog here, and I have some bad news. And some good news. And then more bad news. :(

I'm getting old.

Yep, I turned 11 in human years at Christmas, and my puppy sprints aren't what they used to be.

But I'm still in good shape because of them and my puppyweight exercises.

Now here's some good news for you.

My friend, Craig Ballantyne, the world-famous personal trainer, just filmed some new exercise videos for you.

And he's giving them to you for FREE when you order a copy of his new book, The Great Cardio Myth.

But more bad news...

Today is the FINAL reminder we're sending you about getting the bonus videos.

If you want to get immediate access to them, here's what you need to do...

If you want even more videos that are...

  • High-energy
  • Follow-along (where you do every repetition with me)
  • Focused on form (so you do every movement perfectly)
  • Fat-burning in 4 minutes
  • 10 times better than slow boring cardio...

Then here's the DEAL of the Day.

You can now get my NEW videos as a FREE gift when you order my new book, The Great Cardio Myth. Order your copy from any one of these fine retailers.

Cardio myth

When you order the book, you'll get four NEW workout videos as a bonus gift. 

Order the book from one of the links below, and then send your receipt to Support@EarlyToRise.com to get access to the videos.

BUT this is the ONLY way to get access to these brand new videos. They will not be sold anywhere else. You have to get the book to get the gift. Thanks!

These brand NEW videos will be just like having me take you through a fat-scorching bodyweight workout in person.

It'll be just like the photo below, where I'm training (on the rooftop of the Hard Rock Hotel) in San Diego with my top Turbulence Trainers.

Summit room5
Gettin' low with high-energy, fat-burning squats!

But even better, I'll be doing all of the exercises WITH you... and you'll get to see me sweat and struggle too.

Good times!

So order your copy of my new book and the new videos will be ready for you very, very soon.

Once you order, just send your receipt to Support@EarlyToRise.com to get access to the videos TODAY!

Talk soon,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - Stay strong and Push on!

It's always darkest before the dawn. We all make mistakes. There will be days when you struggle. But successful people shake it off, rebound rapidly, and get back on track. Pull yourself out of the negative spiral, get support, and hop right back on the path to success by making the right decisions. Learn your lessons. Stay positive. Move on.

PPS - Final Reminder: Get Your Free Videos Today...

... when you order my book from one of these sites.

Once you order, just send your receipt to Support@EarlyToRise.com to get access to the videos.

1 comment:

  1. Great Post! There is some very important information I can use and i'm still learning. I just started blogging and want more wisdom and knowledge from great bloggers.
