Saturday, January 14, 2017

Crunches vs Deadlifts vs The Airport

I didn't get a lot of sleep last night (more about that below), but today's workout was still a lot of fun and I hit my numbers. For some reason I ripped my hands up more than normal, though. Oh well. I ain't no hand model.

1A) Deadlift - 310x3x6

1B) Box Jump

2A) DB Reverse Lunge

2B) Shrug

That was it.

One thing I noticed was lots of folks wasting time with crunches. Maybe it was just the January crowd, but it seemed worse than usual.

So here's a tip:

Never do crunches again.

They are a waste of your precious time. What have they ever done for you in the past? If you never, ever did another crunch down on the dirty floor again, do you think it would matter? Of course not.

It's such a useless exercise and a shame the exercise industry has promoted it. Crunches do not give you the "core strength" that you need. Kick them to the curb.

Focus on nutrition, interval training, and basic strength exercises to get the body and performance you desire

Now for a funny story. Well, kinda funny.

Last night I got back from New Orleans around 9pm... My friend Joel Marion, from BioTrust, was flying out of Denver at midnight, so we agree to meet at the airport (that's when you know you travel too much... when you can only see your friends in airports!).

We sat around talking till almost midnight. It was so great to see him again, and we were able to tell each other work war stories and even allowed ourselves to complain a little to each other...

Often only other entrepreneurs can understand what it's like to have financial pressures, concerns about caring for and helping your employees get through personal and professional issues, etc., all while dealing with lawyers, the IRS, and all that fun stuff.

We both left energized and even though I had an AMAZING time in New Orleans... the highlight of my trip was the 2 hour hangout at Elway's in Terminal B of DIA. Ha!

And so that brings me to...

Today's Kick-Butt Mindset Tip:

Positive Social Support is often the HARDEST, but also most important Pillar of Success to put in place.

If the people you hang around with are negative and want to hold you back, find new friends (online and offline). If the people you go to eat with at work want to sabotage your diet, find new lunch buddies. There is no shortage of folks out there who are happy to help you reach your goal. I believe in the POWER of POSITIVE PEOPLE. Go out and get GOOD people on your side.

They ARE out there. And they want to HELP you!

Please believe me no matter what struggles you are going through right now... We are here for you. Keep searching for more caring connections, and most importantly, be the change you want to see in the world.

Be strong and good,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

Image may contain: 3 people, people standing, sky, cloud and outdoor
Image may contain: 19 people, people standing
Image may contain: 5 people, people smiling, people standing

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