Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Ontario California Early AM Session

On the road today, getting in an early session in Ontario, California, before a big day with Bedros Keuilian.

I got in late last night, and because of DST and going back an hour from Colorado, I woke up early.

So it wasn't the best workout in the world today, but I did the best I could in the small hotel gym. And it was busy too, because I think a lot of folks were on EST. One guy was even done his workout at 4:30am when I showed up!

My session was...

1A) DB Reverse Lunge
1B) Cable Face Pull

2A) Cable Pull Through
2B) Punisher Squats

Good enough times.

Now over to Fit Body Boot Camp HQ for a day of strategerizing with my coach, Bedros Keuilian. On Thursday we're doing a 1-Day Mastermind, and on Friday, it's my 1st ever small-group Perfect Day Formula workshop.

I have never been this excited for a seminar, Mastermind, or speech ever.

This is my life's work! So glad I finally found it.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
"If you understand your big WHY, & you create disciplined habits that serve that why, everything has a way of working out" -

Find that WHY,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Control what you can; solid reminder from .

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