Tuesday, November 08, 2016

New videos

If you want even more videos that are...

  • High-energy
  • Follow-along (where you do every repetition with me)
  • Focused on form (so you do every movement perfectly)
  • Fat-burning in 4 minutes
  • 10 times better than slow boring cardio...

Then here’s the DEAL of the Day.

You can now get my NEW videos as a FREE gift when you pre-order my new book, The Great Cardio Myth. Pre-Order your copy from any one of these fine retailers.

Cardio myth

When you pre-order the book, you’ll get four NEW workout videos as a bonus gift. 

Order the book from one of the links below, and then send your receipt to Support@EarlyToRise.com to get access to the videos.

NOTE: The videos will be ready on November 10th.

BUT this is the ONLY way to get access to these brand new videos. They will not be sold anywhere else. You have to get the book to get the gift. Thanks!

These brand NEW videos will be just like having me take you through a fat-scorching bodyweight workout in person.

It’ll be just like the photo below, where I’m training (on the rooftop of the Hard Rock Hotel) in San Diego with my top Turbulence Trainers.

Summit room5
Gettin’ low with high-energy, fat-burning squats!

But even better, I’ll be doing all of the exercises WITH you... and you’ll get to see me sweat and struggle too.

Good times!

So pre-order your copy of my new book and the new videos will be ready for you very, very soon.

Once you order, just send your receipt to Support@EarlyToRise.com to get access to the videos on November 10th.

Back tomorrow with dozens of bodyweight exercises you can do instead of cardio.

Talk soon,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS – Never forget...

Whatever is in your way, you’re stronger than it, you’re tougher than it, and you’re better than it. You’re going to beat it. You must truly believe in yourself. You must end the “I’ll give this a try” mindset, and switch to an, “I’m going to succeed” belief.

Beat it

1 comment:

  1. Find Your Fine2:30 AM

    This is a great work out! Thanks for sharing
