Sunday, November 27, 2016

Deadlifts and Denver

My friend Brad Pilon nailed it with a short message applicable to this time of year. (And all year round, but really right now.)

"Whether food, protein, exercise, clothes or ‘stuff’. Consider that you may not need as much as you’ve been lead to think you do."

Smart guy, that Pilon. He'll be out at our Denver Toys for Tots event next weekend, and it'll be great to catch up with him, Hadsall, Isabel, the BioTrust crew, and dozens of other online superstars.

But until then, I have work to do.

I've already started on my new 21-day Habit Change Challenge.

The goal is to write 1000 words before doing anything else.

I've let myself slide on this for a bit... and I have some big writing goals for 2017, so I'm starting my habit today.

This morning, from 5am to 6:12am, I wrote 1200 words on a little short story for Bedros and his family. It's their Christmas gift. It was fun, too... and was a summary of our trip to Scotland this summer.

After that, it was off to the gym for deadlifting.

1a) Deadlift

1b) Box Jump

2a) BB Split Squat

2b) Overhead Shrug

Tomorrow I'll be writing an ETR article, or perhaps a video script for filming later this week, and then I'm heading to the airport and flying down to Denver for a busy week of meetings, workshops, and seminars.

But for today, I wish it would snow just a little on the farm, but it's foggy and rainy. A bit more English countryside than Canadian Christmas.

Oh well.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

Don’t be guilt-ed into eating leftover junk. Your body is not a trash compactor. Junk food belongs in the garbage. Only real food goes in your body.

Stay strong and push on,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Even if you're not a football fan... should be able to appreciate this.

Jim Harbaugh, coach of the University of Michigan football team, has an unconventional approach. I think he might be on to something here...

"Harbaugh has a policy of having the winners of practice competitions run extra sprints. That came when a friend told him about the Navy captain who uses the same system to train SEALs at Coronado Island "because they've earned the right to get better."

...More work because they earned it. Different mindset from normal. Perhaps a mindset needed by leaders today...

Great article on Harbaugh here =>

PPS - Of course, then Harbaugh had to go and screw up... opinion of him with yesterday's meltdown. Oh well, no one is perfect.

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