Saturday, November 26, 2016

Anxiety over going to the gym

I'm such a weirdo. I get so much anxiety going to the gym because I have F.E.A.R. about waiting to use equipment. It's so irrational, this F.E.A.R. (false expectations appearing real).

All morning I put off going to the gym to deadlift. I made excuses. Rationalized things.

So bizarre.

And so I ended up training at home.

Instead of today's deadlift workout, I did tomorrow's bench press workout. Kind of.

1a) Pushups

1b) Band Pull

2a) DB Chest Press - 80x10

2b) DB Rear Delt Raise

3a) 1-arm KB Overhead Press

3b) Lower Body Mobility

4) 3-minute running interval around the block

Fortunately, Pillar #5 of Success will rule the world tomorrow, because I have a deadline to deadlift, as the rest of the week is traveling to Denver and my mornings are jampacked with meetings and calls.

Anyways, weird morning because I'm weird. That's what you get, I guess. LOL.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset:

“In the game of life, success, health, wealth, relationships…there are NO EXCUSES. You get exactly what you allow in your life”– Dave Kekich

I have to step-it-up and stop the excuses.

Pushing on,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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