Friday, July 15, 2016

Weird Westin Workout in Dublin

Today got weird.

But first, Dublin.

Arrived yesterday afternoon and walked around the city. Had a mint tea at the Merrion Hotel. Dublin itself, in the daytime, is not nearly as charming as Edinburgh. But I think if you go to Dublin, you have to go in a "Pub frame of mind", and that's not my style.

However, this landmark is not to be missed.

Here I am in the legendary bar at Shanahan's Steakhouse in Dublin. It was worth the entire trip to Ireland just for this restaurant.

In the Oval Office you'll find pictures and framed letters from many American presidents. However, only one of them has been here... Clinton. He was here last year, and I sat in the chair in the corner where he sat.

Then we went upstairs to the restaurant and had a great steak dinner along with the excellent Shanahan side salad, broccoli, smoked Irish salmon, and other great dishes.

Now back to today's weird Westin workout in Dublin.

The exercise room was small, even by hotel standards. However, the dumbbells went up to 60 pounds, and there was a cable stack.

The weird part was that it was about 80 degrees Farenheit and 100% humidity in the little room. I was dripping by the time I was done 5 rounds of this lower-abs circuit:

1A) DB Split Squat
1B) Cable Pull Through
1C) Cable Abs

Good times. Now off to a small village on the coast for a hike, weather permitting, as it rained all night. (But the weather was great yesterday.) The sun is supposed to come out.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

Set hard deadlines for your dreams, ones with REAL consequences. Make the consequences matter…i's the only way you'll change your behavior and take action before it is too late.

Set em and get em,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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