Saturday, July 16, 2016

Last Workout and Hike in Dublin

Great hike yesterday. Another 6-miler.

When in Dublin, get out of town and go to Howth for a hike.

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And a great Meathead hotel gym workout today.

Now a flight to Zurich.

Fortunately, I'm taking a plane.

My arms & lats are too tired from this workout to fly it myself...

1A) DB 1-Arm Shoulder Press
1B) Pullup

2A) DB 1-Arm Row
2B) Triceps Extensions

Good times.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
All the planning in the world is no good if you don’t follow through. Be a robotic action-taker. Eliminate your excuses about lack of time, distractions, ‘emergencies’, and take action on what really matters in your life. Write that book. Save that marriage. Raise healthy kids. Lose that weight. Reconnect with that special friend.

Our time is now,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Make this an Anti-Adult Day.

Keep the child in you alive. Play a sport. Chase your kiddos. Watch Disney. Eat ice cream. Laugh. Yell. Chill.

1 comment:

  1. This final type of NO Max Shred training program could be misinterpreted as Body Building to achieve a Rambo type body. This is not the case though; the goal of weight training for golf is to increase your muscle mass a little bit. This is useful for golfers that are on the scrawny side and don't have enough strength to hit their drives even 150 yards.

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