Friday, June 03, 2016

TT Summit Update

Let's start with some quick TT Summit Updates.

At the 6th TT Summit with superstar Certified TT Trainers and summit speakers, Daniel Woodrum, Brittany Woodrum, and Chase Nance. And our Pushup contest winners, Ali Fox and Nestor Flores

Turbulence Training's photo.
Turbulence Training's photo.

Ali and Nestor won the pushup contests!

Mikey taught us some finishers.

Brian brought the energy.

And soon Chris Lopez will be sharing kettlebell secrets.

But my day started out with a big squat workout in Denver.

1A) Squat
1B) Box Jump

2A) Row
2B) Split Squat

Good times.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Use a time journal to identify people, habits, and distractions that steal your time and energy. Replace your bad habits with good ones, and spend your time with positive people and mentors that make you play up a level rather than people that bring you down.

Keep on pushing on,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Kicking off the event...

Missi Holt's photo.

And the crowd loved it...

Missi Holt What an amazing speech - probably my favorite one - Craig Ballantyne continues to inspire me by growing, changing, and being very candid about his own personal journey.

"Everything is a Learnable Skill."

What you speak is what you believe - Speak your dreams and take actionable steps to make them a reality!

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